- 7/29/2022 Starter Story: How This Solo Founder Built A $120K/Year Stock Photographs Website
- 7/25/2022 Website Planet: picjumbo’s beginnings, how it evolved, and what is in the pipeline for the future
- 9/24/2019 [CZECH] Na prvním místě mějte tvrdá čísla, radí podnikatelům zakladatel fotobanky Hanáček
- 7/22/2019 [CZECH] Viktor Hanáček: Jak se nám podařilo během týdne objevit a zavřít čínskou kopii naší fotobanky Picjumbo
- 3/30/2016 [CZECH] Viktor Hanáček: My grafici dáváme světu tvář, tak se nebojte dát do toho kus sebe
- 9/17/2013 [CZECH] Viktor Hanáček: Teď je nejlepší doba, jak vydělat peníze
- 6/12/2013 [CZECH] Viktor Hanáček: Nabízím fotky ke stažení zdarma. Nejsem sám, ale chci být nejlepší
Do you have a blog and would you like to ask me anything? Would you like to know how, why or when I made this website with more than 1M+ views every month? Would you like to know how picjumbo became my full time job?
I’d be super happy to talk not only about this on your blog for your readers!
We can talk about:
- all topics from picjumbo blog.
- how and why my fans bought me a new lens via Donations ❤
- why I started publishing all my images for free (because stock photo companies rejected all my photos).
- why I often delete newsletter subscribers and WHY I’m trying to have as small newsletter list as possible.
- why I’m accepting ad-block software.
- how I’m monetizing picjumbo and how it became my full time job.
- how much does it cost to run a website like this (more than $2000/mo in lowcost mode).
- why it’s important to have something paid even on a website full of FREE content.
- how “this young man is traveling the World and sharing all his photos for FREE for designers and bloggers.”
- what people need to know when using free stock photos.
- what books I would recommend to young entrepreneurs.
Or we can go deeper into the stock photography topic:
- Why it’s sometimes not safe to download CC0 free photos?
- Is it possible to use stock photo that is FREE but not CC0?
- How to recognize super safe free photo?
- What you should want to see when downloading photos with faces?
- What to do when there are brands or popular buildings on photos?
- Are there any photos that cannot be used even if they’re free? (Yes, there are: Sydney Opera, Eiffel Tower at night, Dancing House in Prague, etc.)
- Who is responsible for using “bad” stock photo?
Are you interested? Just hit me an email to info [at] and add some info about you and your blog (+ url)!
I’ll take a look at your blog and then we can conduct the whole interview via email and make a really good piece of content! I’ll try to do my best to share all my experiences with WordPress websites, marketing, entrepreneurship or photography with you and your readers.
I’m super excited about this and I can’t wait to all your questions!
Thanks for being with picjumbo ❤